
Bone Marrow Examination

A bone marrow Examination involves removing a small sample of the bone marrow inside your bones

Clinical Biochemistry

Biochemical tests are done with the most advanced types of equipment like Cobas – 6000, and Cobas Integras E-411

Clinical Microbiology

The Clinical Microbiology Laboratory is a full-service laboratory offering diagnostic bacteriology, mycology

Clinical Pathology

Clinical pathology aims to identify the cause of uneasiness in the human body. Apart from this, you will require


Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology is the abbreviation for Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology. The FNAC test is a simple


Hematology is a branch of medicine concerning the study of blood, blood-forming organs such as bone marrow, and blood


Histopathology is the diagnosis and study of diseases of the tissues and involves examining tissues and/or cells under

Hormonal Assay

A hormone assays test is performed to give an indication of metabolic processes and conditions or ‘hormone imbalance’

Immunology and Serology

The immunology and serology department is the area where antigens and antibodies are identified and quantified

Molecular Pathology

Molecular pathology is a relatively new field of medicine that has been incorporated into patient care within the last ten years

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